Since we all sin every day, how can we tell if we are really saved?
If we are sincere in our heart when we say/confess that we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, and rose again from the dead, there will be some sign showing that our hearts have been converted, in how we live and relate to others.
2 Corinthians 13:5 (TNIV)
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test?
Salvation's test:
If you can be mean or rude to people and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can cuss people out and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can steal from others and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can have sex outside of marriage and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can imagine yourself to be married to a person of the same sex and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can seek vengeance on others and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can hate others and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can lie on, gossip about, or slander others and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If you can hold a grudge for years and years without forgiveness, and it does not bother you;
check yourself
If truth be told, we ALL struggle in some of these areas from time to time. However, if we are saved, the conviction of the Holy Spirit will stir within us a desire to change; a desire to give up our old attitudes and ways, in exchange for Christlike character, attitude and ways.
Salvation is not so much about a sin issue as it is a heart conversion issue.
We were all born in sin, but with a converted heart we desire to sin less and less. When we truly believe in our hearts, then our hearts will be converted, and we will begin to live differently. (Romans 10:9–10)
If we are not bothered by our sins and in fact feel good or justified in our misdeeds, then we need to ask God to come into our heart and save us.
James 4:9 (AMP)
[As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame [for your sins].....
In other words if we are saved, our sins will bother us.
Psalms 51:17 (AMP)
My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise......
In other words if we are saved, our sins will bother us so much that we want to repent, turning away from them.... stop doing them.
If the Spirit of the Living God dwells inside you , there will be some sign of conviction and remorse for your sin. If there is no conviction; if there is no remorse, there is no Holy Spirit within. Check yourself.
1 John 5:18 (AMP)
We know [absolutely] that anyone born of God does not [deliberately and knowingly] "PRACTICE" committing sin, but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him [Christ’s divine presence within him preserves him against the evil], and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or touch [him].
These are the "developing" character traits of a person who is truly saved by God's grace: The Fruit of The Spirit of God.
We have and show:
Love = sacrificial, unmerited deeds to help a needy person
Joy = inner happiness not dependent on outward circumstances
Peace = harmony in all relationships
Patience/forbearance = putting up with others, even when one is severely tried
Kindness = doing thoughtful deeds for others
Goodness = showing generosity to others
faithfulness = trustworthiness and reliability
gentleness = meekness and humility
self-control = victory over sinful desires
Those who progressively live in this way more and more, give evidence of their faith in salvation through God's grace.
God saves us to a life of obedience and holiness, not to a life of continuous sin, without remorse.
Although we won't be perfectly sinless, we will sin a whole lot less, as we yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells within each of us who are saved by God's grace. It is He Who gradually changes us day by day by His power.
That's called sanctification, where we gradually become more and more like Christ each day. This sanctification process prepares us to live eternally with God and with each other in heaven! Ain't gone be no fight'n up there!
Please share this post so that all those who are living in cherished unconfessed sin, can check the status of their eternity by God's Word.
Lord, it is our prayer that You will remove the scales of deceit from the eyes of those who have been blinded by satan's craftiness, so that they too may come to truly know Your saving grace. Amen.
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