Growth Connections

Growth Connections is a bi-monthly news magazine to showcase various events and ministries and celebrate with members when they have big news to share.

Barry Brown: The Volunteer Coach Running For Jesus

By Terrie Ellington

Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not merely his own

interests, but also each for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4 AMP

In obedience to the Great Head of the Church, Barry Brown lives by this scripture, as

he gives of his time and energy as a volunteer coach for the Arkansas Baptist College

and AAU track teams. Meeting at least twice a week for practice and going on road

trips to attend track meets, Mr. Brown is kept quite busy serving these students.

What started out as lending a helping hand to his own childhood mentor, Charles

Ripley, has turned into a passion for helping and serving these youngsters by

building positive relationships and mentoring them in becoming responsible adults.

As Brown began to work with the students he came to realize that this was bigger

than just coaching.  He was now in a position to impact the lives of these young

people by providing a nurturing paternal relationship that was missing from most of

their lives.

Although there is no monetary reward associated with Brown’s selfless service to

these students, there is a much greater reward achieved when they begin to use

better judgment in making decisions, become strong Christians, go on to attain a

higher education and become productive citizens in society.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

Because of the personal time Brown spends with these students, they are exposed to

godly principles. They pray before and after practice which invites the presence of

God into their minds, and as Brown plants the seeds of godly principles, the Spirit of

God provides increase.

Brown is obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to go ye therefore and

make disciples, teaching them...!

Let’s follow Barry Brown’s example in the selfless service of others to the glory of

our God and the edification His Kingdom in the earth.